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The New Year 2016

What a start to the new year, sadly it has not been as good as we all hoped.

On the eve of our first anniversary of the Northcliff fires that had us on edge as the fires devoured our beautiful forests of the southern region, we again have had fires in southern region of Western Australia in Waroona.

Fire has no mercy and answers to no one as we in the rural areas of Australia have witnessed, in particular the community of Yaloop.

Our thoughts and condolences are with the families and community who have lost members to those fires.

Our thoughts and condolences are also with those farmers that have lost stock and pasture to the fires.

Pemberton Farm Staff and family would like to give a shout out to all those ordinary folk who display extraordinary bravery to face the anger of the fire storm in its face and fight with all of their energy and ability to save their community, homes and farms. These volunteers and Fire fighters are the true heroes of Australia and have the spirit of the bush coursing through their veins.

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